Question Generator

A “question” is an interrogative expression often used to express a request for information or to test knowledge. Questions can also be used to facilitate discussion, exercise cognitive reasoning, solve problems, and make decisions.

There are several forms of questions, such as:

  1. Yes/no questions
    These can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no”. Example: “Is it raining?”
  2. Wh- questions
    These ask for specific information using question words beginning with ‘wh-‘ and ‘how’. Example: “What is your name?” or “How old are you?”
  3. Open-ended questions
    These require more than a one-word answer. Example: “Why do you think that happened?”
  4. Closed-ended questions
    These have a limited number of responses. Example: “Do you prefer tea or coffee?”
  5. Rhetorical questions
    These aren’t intended to be answered. Example: “Who knows?”
  6. Leading questions
    These guide the respondent towards a certain answer. Example: “Don’t you think it’s time we go home?”

As for what makes a good “question”, it somewhat depends on the context, but generally, a good question is:

  1. Clear
    It must be easily understood so that the respondent knows exactly what you’re asking.
  2. Specific
    A good question asks for specific information rather than a broad, general response.
  3. Relevant
    It should pertain to the topic at hand and contribute to the overall objective of the conversation or discussion.
  4. Open-ended
    Good questions generally encourage thought, reflection, and in-depth responses, rather than just a simple “yes” or “no” answer.
  5. Purposeful
    Every question should have a reason behind it, whether it’s to gain new information, challenge a viewpoint, or probe deeper into a topic.
  6. Neutral
    A good question is unbiased and doesn’t lead the respondent towards a particular answer.

Therefore, the art of crafting a good question lies in the balance of being clear, precise, and stimulating enough to elicit a thoughtful response.